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The Pursuit of Excellence Against All Odds

When immense emotional tragedy carves a hole into the core of your heart, rattling the foundation of your existence, how do you transform the angst of your experience into the life lessons that chariot you into your next stage of spiritual evolution?

“Human trafficking is a heinous violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms.  It preys on vulnerability and thrives in times of conflict and instability. Today - amidst growing inequalities, worsening climate emergencies, and record displacement - more and more people are left vulnerable to traffickers. The majority of detected victims are women and children, many of whom suffer brutal violence, forced labor, and horrific sexual exploitation and abuse.

Yet traffickers continue to operate with impunity. Their crimes are not receiving nearly enough attention. This must change. We must invest much more in detection, prevention and protection. We must strengthen law enforcement to bring criminals that commodify human beings to justice. We must do more to help survivors rebuild their lives.”

- Antonio Guterrez, Secretary General of the United Nations.

There comes a point in our lives when we realize that we are the all, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, and that it is up to us to combat evil by resurrecting the inner flames of purification, to seamlessly dissolve our limited perception of reality as we realize the supreme reflection of our collective divinity.

Driven into the depths of despair, we ascend as we partake of the eternal fountains of creation, by attuning to the cosmic vibration, the universal cosmic force that is Krsna-Christ consciousness.

Miraculously transformed through acts of selfless service, our lives become magical, full of wonder, awe, synchronicity and a deep sense of gratitude for the divine gift of our eternal existence, awakening the ancestral torch of compassion that guides our virtuous path of noble guardianship as an immortalized emblem of peace, sovereignty and dignity.

As awakened empaths, we evolve into celestial form as we conquer the demons that feast upon the radiance of our innocence. By cultivating inner peace, we alchemically secrete the nectar of immortality from which unfurls our golden harmonic expression, aligning us with a power beyond our imagination.

As Monarch Visionaries, we emerge from the chrysalis of our emotional pain to behold a world that is lit by our sense of devotional conviction through which we realize spiritual liberation.

This month, we interview a true-life rainbow warrior, whose matriarchal calling to advocate for each individual’s empowerment has enacted transformational measures in United States legislation, increased knowledge and awareness, protocol adoption in school systems and humanitarian partnerships across economic industries - serving a purpose that unites hearts against a common threat to our communities.


“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” - Jesus

It is our devotional passion for selfless service, Seva in Sanskrit, that builds the momentum to pierce into higher dimensions of potential for self-actualization, fueling the alchemical transfiguration of our existence. We unleash, as we push free, invoking the Divine Feminine Shakti Kundalini energy that spiral staircases our backbone to activate our dormant genetic expression as we pour forth in heart-based service of Universal Harmony.

3Strands Global Foundation (“3SGF”) was founded in 2010 upon a vision for a world free from human trafficking, and a mission to mobilize communities to combat human trafficking through prevention education and reintegration programs.

Inspired by a mission to transform a collective evil into a vision for hope and unity, 3SGF has realized a profound contribution over the past decade:

  • 807,000+ students taught, since 2014

  • 122,000+, adults trained, since 2014

  • Launched 7 additional prevention education programs across the United States, since 2021

  • 1,000 survivors placed in sustainable jobs, since 2016

  • Sponsored AB1227, the first ever human trafficking prevention education mandate for schools in the United States, in 2017

  • 38,000+ positive qualitative stories voiced, since 2019

  • 3SGF’s three pillars of Empowerment are: Education, Employment and Engagement. Nine innovative programs have been developed to cover all stages of prevention:

  • Establishing community resilience

  • Empowering at-risk, potential victims

  • Supporting survivors as they thrive

Through education and cutting-edge prevention solutions, 3SGF arms communities to be protected and empowered. For the youth, this means teaching them to trust their inner voice, recognize characteristics of trustworthy adults, and identify healthy boundaries. They learn to compassionately serve and protect one another. The concerted effort of young hearts bridged in purpose crystallizes a protective shield that inspires hope, health, vitality and intuitive intelligence. This protective heart-field shield builds resilience against societal stress, worry and unsafe relationships.


In a 2021 scientific study by the HeartMath Institute in Boulder Creek, Calif., titled, “Global Study of Human Heart Rhythm Synchronization with the Earth’s Time Varying Magnetic Field,” it is demonstrated that the power of the heart-field shield is nonlocal and is directly correlated with the heartbeat of Mother Earth, measured by her Schumann resonances, and enhances the vitality, longevity and social intelligence of her species.

The article references a 15-day study involving 104 participants located in California, Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand and England who engaged in a heart-focused meditation called Heart Lock-In (HLI) for a 15-min period. The study demonstrated that, despite the geographical distance, the intentional meditative efforts both increased the group’s synchronized heart rhythms to one another as well as to the Earth’s local magnetic field.

As the Earth cries out for justice, she provides the guiding power through those whose hearts are disciplined and focused to channel her cosmic intelligence through their inner rod of strength, their spinal column. The reward for such service is the perception of Heaven realized through the Rainbow Light Body Ascension.

Through the Planetary Ascension process, as the polarity differential between the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere magnifies with increasing geomagnetic and solar activity, the spiritual trauma of the planetary system is being risen through humanity’s spinal column, or sushumna channel, for purification of the sense organs and heart-based transmutation of the collective darkness, catalyzing the restructuring of the nervous system to perceive the higher dimensional realms of existence.

Freedom rings for those who serve the calling. Unless this ancestral pain is transmuted through the heart, it is expressed as rage, hatred and other toxic emotions, contributing to the endless cycle of self-abuse. Through ancient yogic techniques, such as Kriya and Kundalini meditation and breathwork, this energy, or prana, is transformed into the cellular potential to support a nervous system reset for spiritual rebirth.

Given that cancer cells have a hyper-polarized mitochondrial membrane potential relative to normal cells, it is reassuring to our collective progression that the American Cancer Society now supports the integration of Eastern healing modalities for the awakening of our inner potential for true self-healing.

As we pave the way for the ascending passion of our purpose to rapture within, we nurse the birthing of our higher selves and the liberation of our organ systems from secreting toxic poisons. Only through practices in self-awareness may our collective spirit be unchained from the indoctrinated spiritual ignorance that has become our death conditioning.


“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

3Strands Global Foundation was founded in response to an event that shook a small, tight-knit California community. In 2008, a 17-year-old girl was lured from a supermarket and sex-trafficked for eight days before she was recovered.

After the trafficker was sentenced to 12.5 years in federal prison, 3Strands Global Foundation was formed, with a focus on prevention. The mission was to stop the crime of human trafficking before it starts.

This tragedy and the courage that it took for this young 17-year-old to heal inspired those original 3Strands volunteers and has ultimately led to millions of people that have been made aware, educated and restored from human trafficking.

Rather than over-sensualizing the crime to fall victim to the downward spiraling abyss of discouragement, a decision was made to expand prevention education to include differing communities as well as to empower survivors through employment and education pathways. There is so much pain in this realm, that without determined vigilance in our Faith-based convictions, we too fall prey to the addictive and depressive state of enslavement that is our collective, modern-day, global epidemic.

Our conscious choice to transform our suffering is the universal mechanism for evolution, whereby pain drives us to extend for that which is beyond our current state of realization. Through our pursuit of excellence, we become a living testament of our will to embody grace in the face of evil.


“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”– Socrates

Predators, at every level of consciousness, exploit insecurity and often seek out those who are vulnerable . Vulnerability to a human trafficker can be economic insecurity, someone experiencing homelessness, someone who has experienced abuse, or someone who has a disability. Through powerful education programs like those at 3SGF, one can overcome such vulnerabilities and be empowered to thrive.


To empower and learn from those who have endured human trafficking, 3GSF integrates the wisdom of survivor’s firsthand insights to bring authenticity and depth to all programs and ensure that their approaches are truly impactful.

3GSF is expanding upon this effort by integrating a Survivor Advisory Board with regular consultation panels, incorporating survivor-led sessions, and creating spaces for survivors to share their stories safely and respectfully. This will enrich all training and curriculum and foster a more empathetic and informed community, driving home the importance of our collective efforts in prevention education.


Through 3SGF’s K-12 PROTECT prevention education and training program, teachers, counselors and all staff can recognize, respond to, and report all forms of human trafficking and violence.

PROTECT offers an age-appropriate curriculum for students (K-12), training and protocol resources for school staff, and a way to measure the impact in every community.

PROTECT’S goal is to prevent crime before it starts. Through PROTECT curricula, delivered by trained educators, students are taught to identify abusive tactics and signs of exploitation both online and in person, helping to keep themselves and others safe.

The Prevention Education programs taught in elementary, middle and high schools, teaches students to honor, trust and express their inner voice to deepen their understanding of personal boundaries so they can protect themselves and their peers:

  • Elementary School: Hear Your Inner Voice (Engendering Safety)

  • Middle School: Value the Power of Your Inner Voice (Valuing the Masterpiece)

  • High School: Trust Your Inner Voice (Recognize Human Trafficking)

  • High School: Mobilize Your Inner Voice (Building Resilience and Protective Factors)

PROTECT is offered to schools through in-person trainer of trainer sessions, the PROTECT online growth platform, and live webinars. 3Strands Global Foundation provides parents, guardians, caregivers, and other community members with human trafficking prevention training and resources to help keep their kids protected. The program is currently implemented across all 50 states and Canada.


In 2016, 3Strands Global Foundation recognized that there needed to be more resources available to survivors and those who face barriers to sustainable economic opportunities. Fulfillment of this intention birthed the Employ + Empower program, which has helped support and economically empower thousands of survivors and those at-risk of human trafficking. 3Strands Global Foundation also opened a drop-in center in January to serve their clients in the greater Sacramento and Bay-Area regions. Along with economic empowerment and pathways to finish education, 3Strands offers over 100 services to their clients. This includes mental health, housing, transportation, child-care, law-related services, FAFSA and more.


“Professionals in the telecommunications industry have a unique view of their surroundings, and with that unique view comes a dynamic opportunity to stop this heinous crime from occurring, because it occurs in all 50 states. It hides in plain sight.” - Ashlie Bryant

Regardless of age, sex, skin color or career path, we all play a role in ending human trafficking. By empowering individuals into humanitarian action, telecom professionals can recognize human trafficking or something suspicious happening around them.

In 2020, 3GSF launched the Telecommunications Against Trafficking and Exploitation (“TATE”) Initiative to equip all those who work in the industry with the wisdom to recognize signs of human trafficking and notify the proper authorities.

The training is accessible to every telecommunications professional online, and thanks to many generous sponsors, it can be accessed at no charge to those being trained, or their employers. It can be completed in 30 minutes, and includes three short videos, a certification quiz, and printable resources. Once complete, an individual is RAN certified.

Another prevention program is called the Trauma Response and Understanding for Employers (“TRUE”), 3GSF provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of trauma and its impact on various aspects of an individual’s life, including their mental, emotional, social, and professional excellence. The training also focuses on equipping employers and workplaces with the knowledge and skills to recognize trauma and implement trauma-informed practices to support their employees.

In “The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-term Effects of Childhood Adversity,” Nadine Burke Harris, former California Surgeon General, passionately details how childhood trauma alters biological systems to not only source disease, but through the very psychological awareness of this relationship, healing begins to occur instantaneously by the connection established within the psyche that supports for clearing through the nervous system. Appointed California’s first Surgeon General, Burke particularly focused on screening and treating children for adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress. She developed the ACE screening report for physicians which is now also actively employed in New Jersey.

Unhealed trauma is not only the source of most, if not all, disease, it is responsible for delayed intellectual growth, as well as emotional maturity. That is, until we heal, we are unable to process higher levels of intelligence. Every sentient being is its own self-evolving, self-actualizing seed of infinite potential architected through eternal service to the universal life force with the goal of becoming god-realized.

As the trauma within our bodies is intentionally dissolved by the self-directed light of consciousness, the unleashed cosmic radiance, measured as biophotons released from our DNA, nourishes the evolution of the entire planetary and universal celestial bodies. Ancients referred to this ascension process as the Rainbow Light Body. The magical solution to reclaiming our sacred vital life force energy lies in how we partner to master the evolution of our consciousness.

Only by embodying love, faith and positivity can we radiantly face this clear evil upon society to deliver the necessary remedy through our neurological systems without becoming overwhelmed in the face of the oppressor, the non-believer. Adversity makes one a true believer. A golden heart, radiant with compassion transforms fear into potential.

By simply asking the right questions, we welcome the opportunity to bridge the wisdom that unites us with the power above and below us to shepherd the senseless to perceive the brilliance of tomorrow’s overwhelming potential, as we release all doubt that we hold the power to transform ourselves.

All of humanity is a witness to this miraculous spiritual rebirthing process now unfolding. Sourcing the dissemination and integration of spiritual wisdom for the collective healing is an honorable mission for the Guardians of the Light devoted to the unfolding of our collective destiny, uplifting those in need of purpose, clarity, empathy and honor of their spiritual liberties.


In 2017, Bryant led AB1227 (Bonta) – Human Trafficking and Prevention Education and Training Act – through the CA Legislature, which Governor Brown signed into law. This was the first legislation of its kind in the United States. Policy is a key component in ending human trafficking. 3Strands Global Foundation has been integral in supporting and authoring both federal and state legislation.

“The key to sound policy is to listen to survivors, and analyze our data. Our philosophy is to build, measure, learn. This allows us to make sure that any policy we support also aligns with our data results and our mission”, says Bryant.

3Strands Global Foundation sponsored California bills SB14 and AB 1394 in 2023, which became law. These bills focused on making human trafficking a serious felony in CA and reducing online exploitation and keeping our youth safe. 3SGF also has worked alongside Congressman Chris Smith’s office on the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Protection and Prevention Reauthorization Act. This reauthorization is an important part of federal support in ending human trafficking domestically and globally.

The staff at 3Strands Global Foundation works closely with federal, state and local governments, legislative authorship, collaborating with other anti-trafficking organizations, developing corporate and government partnerships, and engaging communities into activism to combat human trafficking.


“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.”

- Maya Angelou

Once you discover the spiritual heart as a cosmic transformer, you realize that you are always empowered. As Monarch Visionaries answer the inner calling to transform our pain into the strength and wisdom demanded to shepherd the world into peace, we thrive as the fire of our heart invokes the brilliance of the cosmic light that guides us through inner sight.

As taught in Kriya Yoga, the calcite microcrystals in the pineal gland conduct the cosmic vibration of universal Krsna-Christ consciousness which generates a piezoelectric current within the brain. This alchemical metamorphosis amplifies and enhances consciousness, leading to heightened awareness, spiritual enlightenment, and even the development of psychic abilities and other latent human potential gifts, known in Sanskrit as Siddhis. This process is also being scientifically explored for its key role in promoting tissue regeneration, such as bone healing, nerve regeneration and skin repair.

It is also believed that the microcrystals in the pineal gland serve as repositories for ancient or esoteric knowledge, accumulated over generations and encoded within the crystalline structures, and are activated through the DNA protein unfolding process realized through higher vibrational states of resonance achieved through spiritual service. Through service, our ancient soul is birthed into a higher dimensional plane of reality.


“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”

– Rudyard Kipling

Be a part of the mission to empower our educational systems. The empowering work of ending human trafficking is long and hard and yet the staff at 3Strands Global Foundation is determined to press on and impact through prevention and survivor services. Consider the impact of your contribution as you focus your potential in the suggested areas:

1. Fundraise: Attend an event, become a monthly donor, or a sponsor, fundraise for your birthday or holiday, or purchase something from 3SGF. All funds go to programming.

2. Subscribe to 3Strands Global Foundation’s newsletter and follow them on social media.

3. Go to 3Strands Global Foundation’s website to find out about all the great prevention programming.

4. Attend their free webinars, tell a local school about 3SGF’s PROTECT program, and share the work of 3SGF with friends, family and colleagues so they may learn about the reality of human trafficking and how they can engage and get educated as well.

5. Think upon how your organization, or industry, can partner with 3Strands Global Foundation.


1. Study and practice the ancient wisdom teachings of the lineages that resonate with your lifepath to realize the cosmic radiance of your awakened heart and develop higher sense awareness

2. Raise awareness regarding the Planetary Ascension process, for evil cannot trespass upon where the light is strong and present

3. Orchestrate outdoor group meditation and pranic breathwork clearing exercises to ease the collective stress within your community while harmonically converging with the global planetary heartbeat frequency

4. As a Guardian of the Light, “GOL-D Ambassador”, partner with mission-oriented nonprofit agencies that resonate with your soul purpose, to: cultivate your spiritual Ascension abilities, a.k.a. “Siddhi’s”; develop your sense of sovereign authority; and realize your career potential as a conscious vessel for divine harmony, alchemizing the collective darkness into the light of your soul as your true currency for abundance


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

- Edmund Burke

Fourteen years ago, CEO Ashlie Bryant and her friends and co-founders sat around her kitchen table and dreamed of a world free from human trafficking. That vision is being delivered every day through the dedication of staff, volunteers and supporters like you.

Bryant is a humble woman who enjoys encouraging her staff and thinking of new ways to innovate solutions to end trafficking. She often is asked to keynote at conferences and works closely with federal, state and local governments, collaborates with other anti-trafficking organizations, develops corporate and government partnerships, builds strong development relationships and engages communities into activism to combat human trafficking.

Bryant has her undergraduate degree from UC Davis and MPA from Cornell University. She was also awarded a resolution by the CA State Senate and CA Assembly, and is a graduate of Stanford’s Nonprofit leader’s Executive Program and Harvard’s Kennedy Schools nonprofit certificate.


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